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A new invention of speaker technology-horn will disappear.

Author:小编 Hits:


腾讯科技讯 日前,美国专利商标局公布了公司的一个专利申请文件,这个专利,是有关电脑以及移动设备中的创新音频技术。文件显示,该公司未来的手机,有可能取消扬声器,做到机身全密封,大幅提高防水性。

Tencent News Recently, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a patent application document of a company. This patent is about innovative audio technology in computers and mobile devices. The document shows that the company's future mobile phones may cancel the speaker, make the fuselage fully sealed, and greatly improve the waterproofness. This patent involves very professional audio electromagnetic technology. It is said that in the future, mobile phones can use closed panels with special electromagnetic properties to make sound waves. Under the traditional audio technology, the speaker must be in contact with the air, producing sound waves and vibrations, so that the human ear can hear it. According to this technology, the future speaker based on acoustic wave grid can be cancelled. Smartphones and other devices can be completely sealed, which can not only improve the waterproof performance, but also provide mobile phone designers with more free space to play when designing future products. The company mentioned in the patent document that the audio sensor will use a closed package to show that it generates sound waves instead of the traditional speaker, so that the mobile phone can be completely isolated from the outside air and water. According to the US "Patentlyapple" website, this patent was submitted in the fourth quarter of 2012. At present, the US Patent and Trademark Office has not officially granted it.


Previously, several media reported that the company was promoting headphones based on Lightning interface, which can completely replace the current audio interface. If the existing 3.5mm diameter audio jack is cancelled, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the airtightness of the mobile phone.