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Regulations on Safety Supervision of Leakage Protector

Author:小编 Hits:

Regulations on Safety Supervision of Leakage Protector (Central Regulation) (No.16 [1990] issued by the Ministry of Labor) Department: Ministry of Labor and Social Security (including Ministry of Labor) Release date: June 01, 1990 Implementation date: June 1st, 1990. (Central regulations) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in order to strengthen the safety supervision of leakage current action protector (hereinafter referred to as leakage protector) and ensure the safety performance and use safety of products. Article 2 The term "leakage protector" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the protective devices that can automatically cut off the power supply when the electric leakage or electric shock occurs in the circuit, including all kinds of leakage protection switches (circuit breakers), leakage protection plugs (seats), leakage protection relays, combined electrical appliances with leakage protection functions, etc. Article 3 These Provisions are applicable to the production, sale, installation and use of all kinds of leakage protectors. Chapter II Production and Sales Article 4 The design and manufacture of leakage protector must conform to the corresponding national standards. Where the implementation of enterprise standards or industry standards, shall not be lower than the national standards. Article 5 A production enterprise shall have technical documents, processes, equipment, production environment conditions, quality inspection means, management system and after-sales service measures to ensure product quality. Article 6 After being registered by the local city administration for industry and commerce, the production enterprise shall go through the product certification procedures and have the product type test report issued by the inspection institution authorized by the relevant state department. Seventh production enterprises must set up safety and quality management institutions, equipped with full-time inspectors. For the ex-factory products, the safety performance inspection must be carried out one by one, and the product certificate must be issued. Article 8 The leakage protector must pass the safety inspection and have the certification mark before it can be sold. Sales units should have sales service measures for the products they distribute. Article 9 Any unit or shop that sells leakage protectors must be registered by the industrial and commercial department, reported to the local labor department for the record, and subject to supervision and inspection. Chapter III Application Scope and Selection Principles Article 10 All kinds of low-voltage electrical equipment and sockets used in places with high requirements for electric shock and fire prevention and new, renovation and expansion projects shall be equipped with leakage protectors. Article 11 For newly manufactured low-voltage power distribution cabinets (boxes, screens), power cabinets (boxes), switch boxes (cabinets), operating consoles, test benches, and power distribution boxes of mechanical and electrical equipment such as machine tools, hoisting machinery, various transmission machinery, etc., while considering equal protection against overload, short circuit, voltage loss and disconnection of equipment, leakage protection must be considered. When users use the above equipment, they should give priority to electrical equipment with leakage protection. Twelfth construction sites, temporary lines of electrical equipment, must be installed leakage protector. Article 13 Hand-held electric tools (except Class III), mobile household appliances (except Class III), other mobile mechanical and electrical equipment, and electrical equipment with high risk of electric shock must be equipped with leakage protectors. Article 14 Leakage protectors must be installed in damp, high-temperature places with high metal occupancy coefficient and other places with good electrical conductivity, such as production and operation places in industries such as mechanical processing, metallurgy, chemical engineering, shipbuilding, textile, electronics, food processing, brewing, and other auxiliary places such as boiler rooms, water pump rooms, canteens, bathrooms, hospitals, etc. Article 15 safe voltage should be used instead of leakage protector. If it is really difficult to use the safe voltage, it must be approved by the safety management department of the enterprise before the leakage protector can be used as supplementary protection. Article 16 The leakage protector with rated leakage current not exceeding 30mA can be used as supplementary protection for direct contact when other protection measures fail, but it cannot be used as the only direct contact protection. Seventeenth choose leakage protector, should be determined according to the scope of protection, personal equipment safety and environmental requirements. Generally, current-operated leakage protector should be selected. Article 18 When the leakage protector is used for graded protection, the selectivity of the upper and lower actions shall be met. Generally, the rated leakage action current of the upper level leakage protector should not be less than the rated leakage action current of the next level leakage protector, or twice the normal leakage current of the protected line equipment. Article 19 Under the condition of not affecting the normal operation of lines and equipment (i.e. no misoperation), the leakage protector with small leakage current and time should be selected. Twentieth choose leakage protector, should meet the requirements of using power supply voltage, frequency, working current and short circuit breaking ability. Twenty-first choose leakage protector, should meet the protection range of lines, electrical equipment phase (line) number requirements. When protecting single-phase lines and equipment, unipolar two-wire or bipolar products should be selected; When protecting three-phase lines and equipment, three-pole products can be selected; When protecting both three-phase and single-phase lines and equipment, three-pole four-wire or four-pole products can be selected. Article 22 When overload protection or fire prevention requirements need to be considered, the leakage protector with overcurrent protection function should be selected. Twenty-third in explosive dangerous places, should choose explosion-proof leakage protector; Closed leakage protector should be used in damp and water vapor places; In places with high dust concentration, dust-proof or closed leakage protector should be selected. Article 24 The power distribution box with leakage protector shall be selected for the electrical equipment of fixed lines and the normal production and operation places; Mobile distribution box with leakage protector should be selected for electrical equipment in construction and temporary workplace; Temporary small electrical equipment should be used with leakage protection plug (seat) or socket box with leakage protector. Chapter IV Installation and Management Twenty-fifth leakage protector installation, should check the product certificate, certification mark, test device, found abnormal situation must stop the installation. Article 26 The protection scope of the leakage protector shall be an independent circuit, and it shall not be electrically connected with other circuits. When one leakage protector has insufficient capacity, two can't be used in parallel, and the leakage protector with qualified capacity should be selected. Twenty-seventh after the installation of leakage protector, can't remove or reduce the line, equipment grounding or zero protection requirements and measures. During installation, attention should be paid to distinguishing the working zero line from the protection zero line. The working zero line should be connected to the leakage protector and pass through the zero-sequence current transformer of the leakage protector. The working zero line of the leakage protector shall not be used as the protective zero line, and shall not be repeatedly grounded or connected to the shell of the equipment. The protective zero line of the line shall not be connected to the leakage protector. Article 28 In the places specified in Article 14, independent leakage protectors must be installed. Do not use one leakage protector to protect more than two devices (or tools) at the same time. Article 29 When installing an earth leakage protector without overcurrent protection, an overcurrent protection device shall be additionally installed. When the fuse is used as short-circuit protection, the ampere-second characteristics of the fuse and the on-off capability of the leakage protector should meet the selective requirements. Article 30 The leakage protector can not be put into use until it is installed and checked, and the test button is operated to check that the action is normal. Article 31 Labor departments at all levels shall be responsible for the safety supervision of installation and use units, and the corresponding occupational safety and health inspection stations shall be responsible for the routine inspection of in-use leakage protectors. Routine testing should be conducted once a year, and the items to be tested are insulation resistance, test device performance and action characteristics, etc. Article 32 The safety management department of the user unit shall strengthen the supervision of the operation safety of the leakage protector and establish the corresponding management system. Article 33 There should be a clear division of labor for the management of in-use leakage protectors. The running action of the leakage protector, including normal action, misoperation, refusing action, etc., should be recorded and statistically analyzed. Article 34 The electrician shall be responsible for the installation and inspection of the leakage protector. Electricians should be trained and assessed on the knowledge of leakage protector. It includes the principle, structure, performance, installation and use requirements, inspection and testing methods, safety management, etc. of the leakage protector. Article 35 The leakage protector in the loop shall stop sending power according to the switching operation procedures and relevant safety operation procedures. Article 36 After the leakage protector in operation is operated, the fault should be eliminated according to the cause of the operation, and then the closing operation can be carried out. It is forbidden to send power forcibly with fault. Article 37 Users should master the installation and use requirements, protection scope, operation and regular inspection methods of leakage protector. Users are not allowed to assemble, disassemble and repair the leakage protector by themselves. Article 38 If the leakage protector fails, the qualified leakage protector must be replaced. Article 39 The leakage protector in operation should be inspected regularly, at least once a month, and the inspection records should be kept. The inspection includes visual inspection, test device inspection, wiring inspection, signal indication and button position inspection. Article 40 When checking the leakage protector, attention should be paid to operating the test button for too long and too many times, so as not to burn out the internal components. Article 41 The maintenance of leakage protector shall be carried out by a professional manufacturer, and the leakage protector after maintenance must be tested by a professional manufacturer according to the national standard, and an inspection certificate shall be issued. Leakage protectors that still fail to meet the specified requirements after maintenance must be scrapped and destroyed, and no unit or individual may recycle them. Chapter V Supervision, Inspection and Punishment Article 42 The labor departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall establish files and cards for the production enterprises within their jurisdiction, and supervise the safety performance of the leakage protector products of the production enterprises. For enterprises whose product safety performance is unqualified, they should issue safety supervision instructions in time and make rectification within a time limit. Article 43 The safety inspection institutions of special electrical appliances recognized by the labor department shall cooperate with the labor departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government to supervise and inspect the safety performance of leakage protector products. Article 44 The items of product safety performance supervision and inspection are: verification of insulation resistance and dielectric performance; Verify the action characteristics; Verify the performance of the test device; Verify temperature rise; Verify the overcurrent protection characteristics (only applicable to the leakage protector with this function); Verify the performance of the leakage protector when the auxiliary power supply is interrupted. Forty-fifth anyone who violates these regulations, production, sales, installation and use, depending on the seriousness of the case, shall be ordered by the labor department to stop production and sales or make rectification within a time limit, and be given corresponding economic punishment according to the regulations. Article 46 Anyone who suffers from fire, explosion or personal electric shock due to unqualified product safety performance or failure to install and use according to these regulations shall be investigated for the legal responsibility of the production or use unit, who shall be responsible for compensating the economic losses. Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions Article 47 Local labor departments may formulate detailed implementation rules according to these Provisions. Article 48 These Provisions shall be implemented under the supervision of labor departments at all levels. Article 49 The Ministry of Labor shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions. Article 50 These Provisions shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.